First woman, first wife. Ancient demoness.
The underworld her second home,
her country home, the great escape.
Prior to that, she had been a woman,
just like any other woman, but with wings.
And a voice.
And a nice healthy appetite for sex.
First woman, first wife. Ancient demoness.
The underworld her second home,
her country home, the great escape.
Prior to that, she had been a woman,
just like any other woman, but with wings.
And a voice.
And a nice healthy appetite for sex.

The Morning After
I wake up. A splitting headache plagues me from the night before. But that’s not what woke me. We were in a beautiful chateau somewhere in the middle of whoknowswhere. We were making small talk with the owners, two older women whose life dream it was to put together...

I cooked
There's something really special about cooking for yourself. I have been married 16 years, have 3 elementary aged children, and day by day I am usually making something for them. Which often ends up being meat. Or sweet. Or sweet meat. maybe maple salmon but a soy...

Picture Perfect
Would you like to see my house? The antique chandelier, terrazzo floors. Guess what? I’ll wear Gucci for you, shoes Christian Louboutin, hair perfectly coiffed, sheen and lacquered, eyelashes curled, teeth pearly white as delicacies abound. ...

Poem for my highly sensitive daughter
(from her highly sensitive mother)
You I want to crawl into bed with you For hours And stroke your hair And let you cry Just cry forever Cry it out Until you can’t cry anymore I want to teach you where the tears end And the laughter begins I want to show you How to live fully you and freeeeee….! ...

The Prince
She takes him out, and he is large and beautiful, standing at attention, he moaning as she caresses him in her hand, she kisses his nipples his navel his everything inching down down down down, he moans he holds he caresses he kisses, the softness of his skin the...

Circle of Women
when you build a circle of women i mean a real circle of WOMEN Women who laugh and cry and howl at the moon women who enGAGE enRAGE ROARRRR clench their teeth attack a pillow dance with abandon strip down naked Lace right back up in sexy-ass garments that hug and...

Two tiny children curl up into me, two side bodies filled with purity and openness. You slept. Now you awaken. Another day awaits you filled with hope and fun and love and abundance. Meanwhile the world has erupted. Meanwhile a sore that appeared to be nothing but a...

Siren Song
She rests. It is quiet. No passers by. She writhes and spits and twists and fights. Her body fills with rising desire. But there is nowhere to rise to. She looks about and there is only the quiet of the sea, the ruffle of the breeze, a tiny splash here or there as a...

Wild Woman
Wild Woman lurks in the shadows, wild woman yearns to be free, wild woman sheds her red red blood like the wild fires that lurk in the forests, yearning to spread their flames to gallop like the wild stallion she is, leap into the air defying gravity like a classic...

Chef’s Knife
They haven’t touched in so long. He turns to her a grateful smile, the gravy falling down his chin. She strokes it. Licks her finger. Puts it back. His beard is now accumulating the juices. “Love you honey,” he says but she can’t hear him. She needs to cut the meat....